Whither Evolutionary Educational Psychology?
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منابع مشابه
Evolutionary Educational Psychology: The Disparity Between How Children Want to Learn and How They Are Being Taught
The goals of evolutionary educational psychology include revealing the source of children’s motivational biases toward learning and using those biases as a sound basis for educational studies and reform. In this paper, two evolutionary based lines of research, folk domain theory and Gray’s research on play, are used to explore the difference between how children learned in ancestral hunter-gath...
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Evolutionary educational psychology is the study of the relation between evolved systems of folk knowledge and inferential and attributional biases as these relate to academic learning in modern society. Following discussion and illustration of the mechanisms of natural selection and their application to human motivational, cognitive, and behavioral evolution, the basic premises and principles ...
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This study sought to determine if we could identify a cadre of educational professionals with sufficient knowledge and acceptance of biological evolution to objectively evaluate the merits of the emerging discipline of evolutionary educational psychology. Members of APA and AERA were recruited to complete surveys measuring demographic characteristics, evolution knowledge (specifically natural s...
متن کاملEvolution and education.
Evolutionary educational psychology is the study of how children's evolved learning and motivational biases influences their ability and motivation to learn in school. Evolved learning and motivational biases are organized around the domains of folk psychology, folk biology, and folk physics. There are also domain-general systems that comprise attentional control, working memory, and problem-so...
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